Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Before and After and Lightning McQueen

I finally got these pieces glazed and over to Austin Art Garage.  We are calling these pieces "The Baby Bump - Before and After".  More pictures pending.

Speaking of babies, we have a new friend, Clint, who has a toddler, Cade, at home. It is amazing what you learn (or re-learn) about little kids when you talk to people who actually have one crawling around in their house. From Clint we learned that little boys get excited about Lightning McQueen. Of coures we had no clue who that was but he explained it involved racing cars. Oh yeah, Steve McQueen! Oops, big Generation Gap revealed --today it is Lightning McQueen. 

Anyway, we were all browsing around a hardwear store when Susan spotted this fancy child's small potty training seat (fits over a regular toilet seat) and pointed it out to Clint. You would have thought he'd won the Lottery the way he snatched it up! He thinks it will speed Cade down the potty training road but, based on its small size, we are quite certain Cade will be wearing this on his head for several days.


  1. I really like this.

    I think I even see a McQueen resemblance. (But then, I've been watching my favorite Steve McQ film, Bullitt, over and over and over for the past month.)

  2. Oh, so Amazing.

    Completely original.

  3. Hmm, maybe your friend can use a copy of this book as well
    This actress real life neurobiologist claims her kids were trained before they were age 1!

    Personally I used the Cheerios method.


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