Saturday, March 10, 2012

Seth Apter: The Pulse of Mixed Media

Art by Seth Apter

One of the distinct benefits of having a blog is getting to know fellow artists through their comments on your blog.  You check out their blog and sometimes the casual link becomes a bond between two kindred souls. That's what happened to me with Seth Apter, despite the fact that I am one of the world's worst when it comes to looking at and commenting on other's blogs. (Susan speaks: Not to mention responding to comments on his own blog. Just remember, I'm the Blog Wrangler, not the Boss-of-Him, no matter how hard I try.) 

It's really great if you are lucky enough to meet them in person. But it gets frightening when they ask you to contribute something for a book they are writing. What will I say? Who cares what I have to say? My art? Is it good enough? Not! Who, ME???? ME in a book? Arghhhh! The pressure! Could I possibly say "No, but thank you?"

Not a chance. Not one person could ever say No to one of the most prolific bloggers supporting mixed-media artists. Not one person could ever say No to one of the most talented mixed-media artists out there -- an artist who spends most of his time promoting everyone but himself.  He is one of the nicest guys around  and proof of that is in these two pictures of us showing Seth patiently listening while I expound on the frailities of mankind and other dubious subjects of which I have no useful knowledge.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Seth Apter and his amazing new book:

Not only does Seth have a great book out, he included me in it! In case you didn't notice, that's unabashed self-promotion on my part. For your part, take a look at the book.  Then take a look at Seth's blog, The Altered Page.

Seth Apter, Artist and Author, tell me:
You have a day job, you jog in Central Park, you blog,
you email, you look at my blog and lots of other blogs,
 you comment on a multitude of blogs, you Facebook,
you Twitter, you take workshops, you teach workshops,
you create art, you write articles and books, and you give interviews.
So.... do you ever sleep?

Seth made me answer a lot of questions for his book so I was going to ask him this question, post his answer here, and ask for feedback from everyone. Instead, I went back and looked at some of the old emails we had exchanged and found his response to a comment I made about how organized his studio was compared to mine:
" I realized as I was preparing this post just how 'organized' the board was. I seem to be learning a little bit about myself from this one!
Best, Seth."

Here's what I have figured out:
Seth doesn't sleep because that's the time he uses to keep his studio organized. It isn't something he's always done, it's something he's learned to do and is how he has time to do everything in the world and still look calm.  The proof is in these blog entries, where you'll see the gradual change in his Inspiration Board from Normal Messy to Mr. Tidy to Mr. Neat to Mr. Totally and Disgustingly Organized.

Take a hard look at this last post of his studio:
Books on shelf arranged in height order.
All the brushes in the can are brush-end up.
The lids are on all the tubes and jars.
The drawers with papers in them could actually be closed
 without stuff sticking out.
And, best/worst of all, the pictures on his inspiration board all
line up neatly with no overlapping.

I might be able to clean up my studio and have it look as good as Seth's but every time that thought surfaces I decide to take a nap.

Finally, continuing on through the end of the month Seth will be featuring one artist every day.

I've been looking at each of my fellow artists and WOW! I am totally and completely humbled. It is frightening to consider the fact that I am included among the other artists I look to for inspiration, information and support. Artists who write books I buy and use for instruction and for eye-candy viewing. Real artists! I'd go beat my head against the wall in frustration, jealousy and envy except for the fact that I'm too busy looking at their blogs.

Final Note:  Seth's GIVEAWAY!!
If you go to Seth Apter's blog, The Altered Page, and leave a comment, your name will be put into a drawing for a free copy of his book, The Pulse of Mixed Media. He is giving away 3 copies and you can leave a comment every day for the month of March. Plus you will get to see his posts on 31 artists who are featured in the book.


  1. Don, I rec'd The Pulse yesterday. Lost Childhood captivated me the minute I saw it. When I read its inspiration it became even more powerful. Your self portrait is just wonderful. I've just begun exploring clay as an expressive art medium. Thank you!

  2. Frustration is! No sneak peeks and Denise has seen your Lost Childhood and Self portrait. Aah well, patience, patience, my book will arrive in good time. I have really enjoyed this post Don, (Waving at the Blog Wrangler)and smiling because I had similar thoughts about being in the book but I'm thrilled that I didn't bail out. Good to see The Great Americans chatting. I'm off to read what Seth has to say about you.

  3. I have certainly appreciated getting to know the wonderfully wide and diverse art community and actually feeling its pulse!

  4. So nice to meet you Don (and your wife). I've been meeting many wonderful artists through Seth this month. How funny to show the progression of Seth's inspiration board. :) How strange that i'm drawn to the first Normal Messy one the most. I hope you'll take a moment and pop over to my blog and say hi!Hugs! deb

  5. You're right Don about all you say about Seth. Perhaps he's the figment of all our imaginations about what we wish we could do if.....
    Just love your Lost Childhood sculpture in Seth's book. Very poignant. So glad you couldn't say NO to Seth's invitation to be a part of his book! The book tour party is just great to meet new artists and see such diveristy among all of our creations! Great post!

  6. Well Don, I am totally hooked......on your inspirational creative spirit, your wit, your life with your wife and especially your sculpture.

    I am in love with Oliver and somehow I see these "dudes" as a self portrait. That one eye, wide and taking in the world and everything it has to offer and the other giving us a wink.

  7. Hey Don "the dude", congrats on being included in the book. I too am amazed at how much Seth gets done.. he is everywhere and does everything. If you check out my blog you will see that I posted images of his studio... and the only image he has in the book.. his self portrait. I love your clay dudes and your humor and yes-- Susan too!

  8. Your dudes are just incredible! I believe laughter if the only way to survive each day. Your dudes put a big smile on my face.

  9. I hope it's not too early in our relationship to tell you I love you.


    too late.

  10. your work is imaginative and delightful. Hug!

  11. Love your dudes, and your sense of humour. I just found your blog from Seths post and have had a blast looking around at all the cool stuff you have done.

    Keep Texas weird :)


  12. Hello! Love your art and your personality, and I am so proud to be in the same book as you... now that I "know " you better, reading about you will even be more special. Your "dudes" are wonderful.

  13. Wonderful to meet you Don and to see your fabulous art via Seth's Blog! I can definitely relate as I started art late in life, although always thought of myself as a "closeted artist". Lucky you to have the "blog wrangler" to help you out...maybe I can get my husband to "wrangle" for me :o)

  14. Men and women entering into the World of art-making at ANY phase of their lives is something to celebrate. Big Time.

    Step aside, I've gotta hug SOMEone.
    Hey Susan!!!!!

  15. very nice post, don... thank you!


  16. Wow. Am I really THAT organized?!? I really do have to put up a post of my studio when I am working and not after I have just cleaned. Great post Don. Your humor and your heart comes through. Every time I see those photos of us together I think...hmmmm, maybe we really are related. From one dude to another...thanks! (and thank you too Susan for making sure there really was a post today)

  17. found your wonderful blog through Seth Apter, Oh I would love to see those pieces in the flesh so to speak. ( suppose it should be . no I wont go there). Any way not much hope of actually seeing them from far off Oz but through the wonders of blogging I can.

  18. I am honored to meet you thru Seth's blog and from what I see you have earned a place in his book with some incredible art pieces. Hope you will be making art for a very long time!

  19. Don,
    You are one funny man and a great artist. You have a magnetizing and interesting blog. I will continue to visit. Love your overview of Seth's studio and the pics of you two.
    Darlene K Campbell

  20. Don you are humble. Your work is fabulous. Different than any I've seen period and I love it to bits. It's just wonderful. The world is better for your art, what you bring to and give to the world. Your artistic vision is fabby. *smiles* to you, Norma
    p.s. you are quite the writer, did you know?

  21. I think I am going to have to give up sleep just like Seth Apter if I am to keep up with all the new bloggers I am meeting on 31/31 and the rest of the wonderful 69 artists from The Pulse of Mixed Media he keeps introducing us to!

    You can stop feeling humble kind sir. Your art is right up there at the top with all the others!

    Amazing stuff.

    I shall return to enjoy more (after I take a nap).

    Wow! I wish I could think of an appropriate Yiddish word to match my feelings right now. It's all very exciting! And I am plotzing awaiting the delivery of my book from Amazon! (there I got one in!)
    Tee hee. Nice to meet you and your wonderful clay guys!

  22. Don, I had never heard of you or your art before the book - but yours was the most arresting piece to my mind - it totally grabbed my attention, I have my book propped open at your page in the studio right now. You absolutely deserve to be amongst those artists - I hope that you know that! I am glad that having a small paragraph in the book means that I will be forever associated with artists like you. As for the clean studio thing... mine's a huge mess too! Looking forward to following your blog and seeing what you come up with. Your work is definitely on my list of things to acquire now!

  23. I loved the awesome photos of you and Seth together. What fun to see how Seth's Inspiration Board changed over time.

    BTW, don't send me an e-mail. Mine is on the fritz and being returned to people, so no need to ever send me a comment ((grin).

  24. i am so very glad you didn't say no to seth as i live under a rock and otherwise would never have gotten to "meet" you. i absolutely adore your dudes!! according to amazon, my copies should be arriving on wednesday and don't tell anyone but i want to look at your pieces first. lovelove!!

    i love what you said about seth... and of course laughed as i look to my right and see three lidless paints and behind me at least 9 drawers that won't close due to things sticking out. at least all of my brushes are upward. :)

    nice to find you and your wife. thank you for the wonderful post and photos!

    alicia ( -- will only let me comment via my fake google account)

  25. I came over from Seth's blog. How delightful to get this insider information on him!
    I love peaking into others' studios so you know I will follow every link. (Thank you Susan.)
    Before I go I have to scroll around here a while.


  26. Hi there, just arrived over here from Seth's blog and how pleased I am. Love your great sense of humour & wit and on top of all that praise. Your works not bad either. Ha Ha!!!! No, it's way out there. Thanks for sharing with us.

  27. I can't wait to see the book! I just finished reading Rice's book about Art Retreats -- I was very happy to see both you and Susan there :)

  28. Just received my copy of Seth's book today....Loved it! Congratulations!!! Someday...I would love to meet you and your wife Susan .......Dripp'n aint far.

  29. Love the dudes !! Your work makes me happy - The world needs more Happy .
    Congrats on being published in Seth's book - well earned

  30. I've spent an enjoyable hour reading back through your blog. No, I don't have time to read blogs but I do anyway and love it. Like you, Don, I've left it a bit late to throw myself into art, and feel there's not enough time. Your work is great. I love your Dudes, the Penguins, and so much else. Congratulations on being in Seth's book. I look forward to getting my copy.

  31. I enjoyed your post and feel fortunate to have been introduced to you and your art through Seth's blog. Congrats on being included in Seth's book.

  32. ha! ha! love the pictures of the inspiration board and it's changes~been following your blog for some time now-really enjoy your dudes!


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