Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yes, I'm Still Here

I continue to map my world. It's a new world because we've moved into a retirement community where we are among the youngest residents. That doesn't bother us a bit. No, we aren't sitting in rockers on a porch, we are busy doing everything we used to do, but in a new location. Our building is new, VERY new, and construction continues on the newer section that will join the "old" building to the "new" building.

Management has been changing the name here so that people won't think of it just as a nursing home or, as our friends call it, "an old folks' home". Those terms don't bother us either, because, regardless of their age or health, all the people we've met here are just great - bright, interesting, and and unfailingly generous with their time. Eventually we hope to get management to recognize the fact that many of their newer residents are active, not stuck in the 1990's, and definitely not sedentary "old folks".

The people on our floor (a five-story apartment building) are all starting to be just like our former neighbors - easy to visit with, quick to share (thanks, Bill, for the WD-40), and ready to party at the slightest excuse. Boyd and I have already taken turns serving as bartenders at our building's Social Hour, which has been a big success, with 50-60 people showing up each time.

Some day I'll have my studio (above) set up and get back to ceramic sculptures and making jewelry. Some day. I still have boxes of my stuff in storage. I have boxes of my stuff in the living area. We don't have a couch yet, we just have boxes. Of my stuff.

I have been dropping in on Ben Appl's ceramics class to help out with their raku firing. This fall not only will I be taking ceramics, I will be in Ben's sculpture class. While I was waiting for the firing to be finished last week I made a few packets out of some of my leftover clay. Susan thought it was a great start after I had been away from clay for nearly 3 months but said maybe one of these pieces bordered on looking like doggie doo-doo. Maybe I was channeling my inner hound dog.

I miss being on a creek and having a wooded backyard but I love seeing the sun rise every morning (yes, this is sunrise) and NO mosquitos!


  1. Glad to hear you are alive and well and coping with the change!
    Here's to jolly red sunrises!

  2. Well I'm glad you are channeling something. You've been so quiet, I was beginning to worry about you. Hope you settle in soon so that you can get back into the swing of things in your own studio space.

  3. a move always takes a lot of time, some stress, and time to get back into the groove.. sounds like a good move though.

  4. Hey! You are being so real and I want to be your friend.

  5. Hope the unpacking continues well and you get back to your art soon! I've been reading back through posts and am so pleased I found your blog.
    Love your ceramic work, raku has always been something I wanted to some day try.
    What a gorgeous sunrise!

  6. Great to hear from you (and Susan). Sounds like you are settling in and that you are surrounded by good people. All that is left...unpacking those boxes of art supplies!


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