Thursday, July 12, 2012

One Little Pod and Janice

I'm not officially back in school yet (much to Susan's dismay) but I'm helping out with the raku firings and finishing up some pieces from last semester.  This little pod guy's glaze resulted in some interesting effects but I'm thinking I'm going back to more of the black/white/grey glazes and the look that I get with raku.

Life here at Woodchuck Manor (not its real name, but good enough) provides me with more diversions and entertainment than I can possibly fit into a day. On the 4th of July a group came and played some music for us in our courtyard. Janice is one of my new friends. She is a woman of many talents and leads up a singing group called The Alley Cats.  She's hoping her sons will see this video and know that she is not withering on the vine. Not a chance of that happening to Janice ... who sings a very entertaining version of Kermit the Frog's "It's Not Easy Being Green."

1 comment:

  1. After watching the entertainment at Woodchuck Manor I moved on to Squirrel discovering who knows what in the belly of Purple Dude. What a hoot!


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