My friend Janis is a terrific photographer and personally responsible for introducing Susan (and then me) to ArtUnraveled and Art & Soul. She's also an Art Supply Enabler, so much so that I'm not surprised anymore when Susan comes home from buying art supplies and says she saw Janis at the store. The two of them are also art book fiends although Janis refuses to get involved in LibraryThing. But she did admit to accidentally buying the same book twice, to which Susan replied, "Big deal. Been there. Done that. More than once."

Janis and her husband, Mike, took a trip to Phoenix where they were fortunate enough to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Desert Botanical Gardens. These are just a few of the pictures she took for your Eye Candy fix of the day.

I LIKE his stuff -- can't recall if you went there, but the permanent exhibit in Oklahoma City is really something.
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