Friday, December 17, 2010

Raku And More Artists

What should be in my Blog? My art or the art I see? Do you want to know about what art I'm making or do you want to know what pleases my eye and permeates my mind? How about both?

These two small pots (about 6" high) above are raku clay and raku glazed (go here for the unglazed view). They are not exactly what I wanted as they came out a little too muddy looking with not as much contrast as I'd like. I'll try again in the future

Still more Thanksgiving pictures, here at the Renwick, from their Permanent Collection:

Daniel Essig, Book of Nails II :

Michael Sherrill, Yellowstone Rhododendron (porcelain and steel):

After the Renwick we went on to the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

4 Seated Figures by Magdalena Abakanowicz is a favorite of mine. It probably could be renamed "Waiting at the Doctor's Office" or "Renewing Your Driver's License.

Chakaia Booker's sculpture fills an entire wall in one room.  "Her current work presents a level of acknowledgment to her African heritage and its influential artwork".  Go here for more information on her. I especially like the fact that she makes art that is big and guy-like, tearing down lots of stereotypes as she does.

Lee Bontecou's pieces are even more mysterious when you peer into them. We were lucky enough in the past to go to her retrospective show and she became one of our favorite artists. These are for you, Robyn.

Susan speaks, just to say that Anna pretty much got it right:

  "The chief obstacle to a woman's success is that
she can never have a wife.
Just reflect what a wife does for an artist."

Anna Massey Lea Merritt, 1844-1930

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Bontecous, Don. Mind blowing stuff! I do enjoy that quote too.


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