Sunday, December 19, 2010

Yes, We Did Have Thanksgiving Dinner

But first, some more of my work, specifically a very small (4") cup. Many artists make test tiles to see what a glaze looks like. I prefer to make something that might be useful, like a cup. I wanted the Celadon glaze to be a little darker to accentate the Limestone White glaze areas so next time I need to apply it thicker.

On Thanksgiving Day we went to the National Gallery of Art to see some of our old favorites (me looking at Philip Guston's Rug).

As a special treat, the featured exhibition was an Arcimboldo show, Nature and Fantasy, that was fantastic.

At the galleries where the works were displayed were ropes and posts marking off the areas where you had to wait in line to get it (the galleries were small so they had to limit the viewing). You know, sort of like those long lines at DisneyWorld, where you snake around forever until you get to the front. Ha! Because it was Thanksgiving there weren't any lines at all and the rooms weren't even crowded.

Outside the galleries was an enormous 15-foot high statue, Winter (After Arcimboldo) that had been created by Philp Haas. Susan waited about 5 mnutes for people to stop standing in front of it so she could get this photo. The atrium area in the East Wing of the National Gallery is about 5 stories high so the sculpture looked great in it.

We didn't miss our Turkey dinner, or actually, I didn't, thanks to the Cascade cafeteria in the National Gallery.  As you can see from the photo below, Susan opted for the vegetarian choices, topped off with chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the lovely cup and the laughter to fill mine. I will survive!!!


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