Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuba Christmas 2010

Please don't tell me you missed it again! Mark this website now, check it next December, find your location and go.

Tuba Christmas players come in all shapes and sizes and often by the school bus load. They rehearse very hard every year - for the one hour before the show.

They play on the front steps of our Capitol Building. Go here and here to see previous tuba festivities. The big buttons they wear/carry indicate each year they participated. The kilted player in the first picture has probably played in every one they've had. Just for the record, if you wear a kilt in the true Scotsman style, it is probably not a good idea to settle for a TSA pat-down at the airport.

We neglected to gather up Janis and Mike this year but they went anyway and looked for us. With a good-sized crowd of course we didn't find each other. Janis emailed me the picture below just in case we hadn't shown up.

We had sunny skies, temperature in the 70's and happy tuba players. A perfect Tuba Christmas concert.


  1. OOOOOOOh I actually saw one but didn't realize it until I checked your list. I saw my Tuba Christmas in the lobby of the Ferguson Center for the Arts when I was volunteering for the CNU Holiday Happenings show that was after their performance.

  2. This took place in NYC too. Unfortunately I missed it. Thanks for sharing. Happy holidays!

  3. so funny that you say that. i actually have a christmas tradition of always just missing the tuba christmas in rockefeller center. this year i REALLY planned to go but once again completely forgot.


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