Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Ball Girls

These were outside the Guggenheim in Washington DC. I call them "The Ball Girls". I tried to make a ceramic piece sort of like them but since I'm limited to 26" in height in the kiln it didn't exactly have the same impact. I named her "Lucille Ball" and glazed her in shiny black. Looks good but is very difficult to photograph well.

She was in a show at the Dougherty Art Center, set in a very low box filled with black sand. A little toddler that came to the show with his parents thought she was just the right size for him and gave her a big hug.


bindu said...

what a nice compliment - the toddler hug! :)

&rew said...

Lucille Ball! What a clever play on that last name!

ArtPropelled said...

The Ball Girls are brilliant.
You must have been very chuffed when the toddler gave Lucille a hug.

Don Madden said...

I don't know what chuffed means but I held my breath when he did it - afraid he would try to lift her up and carry her off! Other than that, I like it that my pieces seem to have a human-like feeling to them. After all, I do talk to them.