Saturday, November 13, 2010

American Folk Art Museum

The American Folk Art Museum had a free Friday night music event so we walked over for that. Not the music, just the free admission. The music was not so good, the museum is a tall narrow building and the first singer's voice was pretty screechy due to the poor acoustics. The second group was a little better but it took them a lot of time to get their equipment adjusted for the acoustics.

I followed Ms. Red Shoes to the mezzanine balcony. I just love museums!

Oh yeah, there were some quilts there on display that maybe I glanced at.

On our way back we encountered this scene. We waited for awhile but no one seemed to be doing anything but standing around. I don't know if she was stood up at the altar or was going to be in a movie or what.

 I was planning to go back to the museum to ask Ms. Red Shoes what it was all about.  But Susan said that I could plan on spending the night sleeping in the subway if I did. I never get to have any fun!


ArtPropelled said...

I'm with Susan :-)

martha brown said...

The American Folk Art Museum is my favourite NYC museum.... although I haven't been in about 20 years.... and I judge museums by their gift shops....